
Pierre Paulin for Thonet,Desk Model CM141 France, 1953s

Pierre Paulin for Thonet,Desk Model CM141 France, 1953s

Pierre Paulin (1927-2009), is one of the iconic designers of the post-war period.

He studied at the Ecole Camondo where he was a student of the interior designer Maxime Old. Very quickly his desire to go further, to think of furniture differently, pushes him to get out of classicism. He then joined Marcel Gascoin's studio in 1953 and the same year, exhibited his first creations at the Salon des Arts Ménagers in the section “Le Foyer d'actualité today”. Its success was immediate and in 1954, Pierre Paulin began a collaboration with the German furniture editor Thonet, a pioneer in the design of mass-produced furniture. From this collaboration are born a series of chairs and desks, including the CM 141 desk. This piece of furniture of great sobriety, rectilinear, is the most emblematic of Pierre Paulin and the first desk designed by the young designer. Its characteristic silhouette of post-war design is still resolutely current.The black blade shows signs of use.

Its black lacquered steel base is made up of four thin tubular legs, joined by three flat rectangular section crosspieces. The melamine or black Formica top contrasts with the wooden box (oak or mahogany) with three drawers. Paulin marries new materials brilliantly. This desk will be produced until the end of the 1950s. For Thonet he will also develop his first monocoque chair which will open the doors to a collaboration with Artifort. He will experiment with the possibilities offered by new materials to change the way we look at the body and its relationship to furniture. Take for example the Ribbon or Mushroom armchair…

Pierre Paulin is also famous for having arranged the apartments of the Elysée for the Pompidou couple.

Product specificatie

Item Number : 250011
Height : 73 cm
Width : 130 cm
Depth : 64 cm
Condition : good
Period of Time : 1953
Country of origin : France


Pierre Paulin was an iconic post-war designer known for his innovative approach to furniture design. A graduate of Ecole Camondo and a student of Maxime Old, he sought to push boundaries beyond classicism. He joined Marcel Gascoin’s studio in 1953 and gained recognition at the Salon des Arts Ménagers the same year. Collaborating with Thonet, he created notable designs like the CM 141 desk, characterized by its minimalist black lacquered steel base, melamine/Formica top, and wooden drawer box. His experimentation with new materials led to groundbreaking pieces like the Ribbon and Mushroom armchairs. Paulin also famously designed the Pompidou couple's apartments at the Élysée.


Timeless Design: His creations remain relevant and contemporary.

Innovation: Combined new materials with functional, elegant forms.

Prestige: Iconic designs reflect high craftsmanship and creativity.

Good to Know

The CM 141 desk epitomizes post-war design.

Paulin's collaboration with Thonet and Artifort marked pivotal moments in his career.

His designs emphasize ergonomics and aesthetics, reshaping the relationship between furniture and the human body.



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